Professional RIB
Professional RIBs – that stands for “Rigid Inflatable Boats” – are the main operating sector of M.A.G. Boats, specialised in the design and construction of work and military RIBs and rescue vessels for fleets of organisations and companies the world over.
The design – whose first step is the creation of the templates through three-dimensional modelling managed through specific software – translates into highly reliable and safe vessels thanks to the use of Hypalon neoprene, a highly technological material that M.A.G. Boats has chosen for the realisation of its tubes.
M.A.G. Boats RIBs are made exclusively with tubes accompanied by quality certification for the materials used and can be made to measure, satisfying every technical need.
Work vessels are destined to accumulate many hours of navigation during their operational life, which is why they require extremely wear-resistant tubes, made of materials appropriate to the operating conditions and the environments they will have to face. M.A.G. Boats has developed two decades of experience in the design and manufacture of work vessels designed for the real needs of the customer, ensuring quality, reliability and resistance.

Robustness is the key word for every nautical military vessel, due to the stresses, even extreme, that this type of professional inflatable boat is called and endure in the most diverse operational theatres. M.A.G. Boats has developed specific technological solutions, from the dedicated design of tubes to the use of high-strength Hypalon neoprene with multi-band bonding and reinforcements of the geometry. All tubes undergo rigorous quality controls before delivery.

Rescue RIBs frequently come into play in the most adverse weather conditions and are called upon to withstand the most intense mechanical and climatic stresses. M.A.G. Boats is specialised in the study and construction of professional inflatable boats for rescue suitable for every operational situation, realising every detail on the basis of the careful analysis of the characteristics and scenarios in which the RIB will be called to work.